Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sorry its been awhile again.  Things come up and life gets busy.  Today's scripture comes from the old testament.  The actual scripture is only part of a verse.  It is the first sentence in Genesis 18:12-14.  To give a background, during this time Abraham and Abraham's wife are in their nineties.  Abraham had a son named Ishmael through Sarai's handmaid Hagar because Sarai was not able to have children.  The Lord communicates with Abraham and promises Him many blessings.  He promises that Abraham will be a father of multitudes and His seed will be as numerous as the sands of the sea.  The Lord promises Abraham will have a child and that his name will be Isaac.  This is again told through holy men who visit Abraham and his wife.  Upon hearing this Sarah (name changed from Sarai) basically laughs as explained in verse twelve:

12 "Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
13 "And the Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?

I love how the Lord simply puts the first part of the next verse,
"Is any thing too hard for the Lord?"

This is a powerful statement and a powerful promise coming from the Lord.  When I think about all the challenges and things I want to accomplish I can often get overwhelmed.  I often think of my weaknesses and how hard it can be to resist certain temptations.  When I feel the Lord wants me to travel a path that remains uncertain or difficult this statement needs to be my motto.  At the very heart of it, there is nothing the Lord cannot accomplish.  He is the creator of this world, the Redeemer of mankind, and the Son of God.  He has made and will continue to make promises to us as long as we keep His commandments and strive to follow His will.  While we in our mortal sphere may be limited, the Lord is limitless.  We may be finite, but the Lord is infinite.  We may be weak, but the Lord is strong.  When the Lord asks us to accomplish certain things, to repent, to do something that seems above our ability to endure, He will provide a way to accomplish it.  Every estranged relationship, every broken heart, every troubled marriage can be mended if we turn to the Lord.  The Lord can help us overcome addictions, behavioral troubles, and illnesses.  Nothing is beyond His reach or His power.  While He expects us to grow and progress, He will aide us in that process.  Sarah was barren meaning she could not have children.  Despite the medical limitations, she was able to bear her son Isaac.  The Lord can soften the hearts of our enemies, provide relief from economic turmoil, and allow our burdens to be light.  He can and will do all in His power to give us the strength to accomplish what we have come to the earth to accomplish.  I'm not saying every illness, or disappointment will result in a happy ending.  I'm not saying grief or pain will be avoided.  This journey is full of valleys and mountains.  I am saying that we cannot afford to put limits on the Savior.  If He wants something accomplished by us, we can do it if we trust in Him and are willing to put in the work and effort involved in it.  For me this boosts my faith.  It helps me when I am discouraged.  I know nothing is too hard for the Lord.  I know some of the blessings I have been promised will not come immediately, but in the Lord's timing they will come.  I will not put limits on Him, for I know that the scripture I have been describing is true.  I know Jesus Christ is the Savior and that He lives.  I love Him and am grateful for His divine mission.  I am thankful for the great plan of happiness that has been given by my Heavenly Father.  I am grateful for the central role of the Savior in making this plan of happiness possible.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  


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